NaNo Madness 2007

Thursday, November 09, 2006


So after my last post, cheering that I was past my daily quota for NaNoWriMo, I didn't write a thing for 5 days! Not good. The story was boring me, and more than that, I had a ton of other things on my mind. I've been dreaming about infant carseats and strollers for days... (talk about boring!). I've been stressing out completely because we have no income, and no car the baby I'm expecting can fit in, and no way to buy another. And with the short days this time of year and the lack of light, I was feeling depressed as it was.

Today, I decided it was now or never, and I've written 1,740 more words today. Which is great for one day's quota, but still leaves me 5 days behind. I have plans for the rest of the evening, so I doubt I'll get more written today. But at least it's something. What amazes me now isn't that I've gotten behind, or that I think this story lacks any reason to be written, but that my 2002 NaNo novel turned out halfway decent. It was actually going somewhere, and had some real emotions, and the writing itself wasn't bad. I still have hopes for it, 4 years later. This one is more what I would have expected: a bunch of random words put down in a document. Sure, there's a basic storyline and some characters, but at this point I know hardly anything about my protagonist, not even her last name, and I'm not sure I even want to. I wanted this story to be fast-paced and funny, and instead it's draggy and dull. The poor girl is stuck at a mini golf course waiting to be picked up. She has nothing to do and no one to talk to. I thought about throwing in another character she could run into by chance, but she's already run into her crush by chance, and you can only have so many coincidences. (Unless I decide to have her run into someone she knows every single place she goes, and make that part of the farce...) Anyway, it's not funny, it's putting me to sleep. And my ideas for the next thing that happens are already boring me! Hmm, wait, I may have an idea. Not a good one, but an idea... So, we'll see what happens tomorrow and if I really bother to make up the 7,970 words I'm behind!