NaNo Madness 2007

Friday, November 09, 2007

1 tooth subtracted, 0 words added

I didn't write a single word on my NaNo novel yesterday, because I had a wisdom tooth removed. And had to go somewhere at night, too. So I don't feel bad about it at all. (Do I feel bad from the oral surgery? Yes, some, but I'm on meds!)

I'm thinking I may end up including a lot of lists, poems, lyrics, and random other stuff like that in this novel, although I haven't started out writing it that way. It does have some lyrics in it now, but most of it is plain prose. But the prose isn't all that great so far, and the facts and emotions shared are the main thing... And my protagonist is definitely the type to think in snippets of poems and lyrics and lists, etc., so I may play around with that. I'm just not sure if I want to try that now, or to wait for revisions. I'm thinking I may just get the relevant data out now, and change the structure when I revise.

I'm also worried the list/journal/poem thing is overdone. On the other hand, overdone or not, I always like reading books like that, and they seem to do pretty well. (Plus if it doesn't work--I can always change it again!) But I'm not sure how to mix lists and poems with regular prose, and I think at least some regular prose is necessary in this case.


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